DMAC 15 Medical Kit
The DMAC 015 Rev 4 (Dec 2014) is a guidance document by The Diving Medical Advisory Committee, which is associated with the IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association), that provides recommendations on the types of medical equipment and supplies to be held on a dive site.
The DMAC 15 Medical Kit is supplied in accordance to the guidelines of DMAC 015 Rev 4 (Dec 2014) and is available for sale as a complete kit or separately as individual components.
Important: This kit and its contents are restricted sale items and are only available for sale to authorized organisations.

Equipment to be Held in a Diving Bell, Hyperbaric Welding Habitat or immediately
available to be put into a Diving Chamber
1 Arterial tourniquet
3 Polythene bags
1 Resuscitation face mask or shield
2 Guedal airways Size 3 and 4
1 Tuff cut scissors
1 Medium dressing
1 Large dressing
2 Triangular bandages
1 Roll of 1" adhesive tape
2 Crepe bandages 3"
1 Hand operated suction pump
1 Suction catheter
1 Watertight bag
1 Adult adjustable cervical spine collar
2 Pairs of non-sterile gloves (non-latex)
2 Space blankets

Equipment to be Held in a Hyperbaric Rescue Unit (HRU) Compartment
1 Arterial tourniquet
3 Polythene bags
1 Resuscitation face mask or shield
2 Guedal airways size 3 and 4
1 Tuff cut scissors
1 Medium dressing
1 Large dressing
2 Triangular bandages
1 Roll of 1 inch adhesive tape
2 Crepe bandages 3"
1 Hand operated suction pump
1 Watertight bag
1 Suction catheter
1 Adult adjustable cervical spine collar
10 pairs of non-sterile gloves (non-latex)
Vomit bags
Loperamide Capsules 2mg
Rehydration preparations
Scopolamine patch
Equipment to be Held at the Dive Site

Diagnostic Equipment
1 Pencil torch
1 Thermometer (electronic)
1 Rectal thermometer
1 Stethoscope
1 Aneroid sphygmomanometer
1 Reflex hammer
1 Tape measure
2 Tuning forks (128Hz and 256Hz)
Pins for testing sensation
Blood sugar testing equipment
Tongue depressors
Urine testing strips
1 Otoscope (with spare bulb and batteries and disposable ear pieces)
2 Intercostal drain and drainage kits
4 Devices for emergency needle thoracocentesis
2 Heimlich Valves
Suitable strapping/fixing to secure the system appropriately
Urinary Catheterisation
2 Urinary catheters (non-latex) sizes 16 and 18
2 Urine collection bags
2 Catheter spigots
2 x 20ml sterile water
2 Urethral anaesthetic gel
Suitable strapping/fixing to secure the system appropriately
10 Packets gauze squares 10 x 10cm
5 Packets cotton wool balls
4 Triangular bandages
4 Trauma care bandages
12 Safety pins
2 Adhesive bandage 75mm x 3m
2 Adhesive bandage 25mm x 3m
2 Crepe bandages 6"
2 Crepe bandages 3"
2 Large dressings
2 Medium dressings
40 Adhesive plasters
2 Dressing bowls
4 Eye pads
1 Eye wash kit
5 Soft silicone primary wound dressing (8cm x 10cm)

5 Lidocaine 10mg/ml 10ml ampoules
20 Soluble aspirin tab 300mg
25 Paracetamol 500mg tablets
20 Codeine 30mg tablets
5 Tramadol 100mg ampoules
2 Naloxone, 0.4mg/ml ampoules 1ml
Sterile Supplies – General
4 Universal containers
2 Drapes 60 x 90cm
10 Alcohol swabs or sachets of skin disinfectant
10 Pairs of sterile gloves (non-latex)
6 Sutures non-resorbable (2/0 and 3/0), with cutting needles attached
1 Medium sized Sharps bin
2 Resorbable sutures (2/0 and 3/0), with needles attached
5 x 20ml syringes
5 x 10ml syringes
5 x 2ml syringes
10 x 18g needles
10 x 21g needles
1 Tube of antiseptic cream
Resuscitation Drugs
10 Adrenaline 10ml ampoules. 100µg/ml ampoules (1 in 10,000)
6 Amiodarone 150mg ampoules
5 Furosemide 40mg ampoules
Nausea and Vomiting
20 Prochlorperazine 5 mg tablets
40 Hyoscine 300µg tablets

Sterile Supplies – Specific

Allergic Reactions
1 Kidney dish
1 60-100ml bowl (Gallipot)
10 Sachets of skin disinfectant
10 x 7.5cm 4-ply non-woven cotton swabs
4 Dressing forceps
2 Tissue backed drapes 60 x 90cm
1 Yellow bag
Sterile Instruments
2 Spencer Wells forceps 5"
1 Mosquito forceps
1 Dressing forceps
2 Disposable scalpels
1 Forceps – fine toothed
1 Dressing scissors
1 Scissors – fine pointed
1 Stainless steel ring cutter
Intravenous Access
2 Chlorpheniramine 10mg ampoules
20 Cetirizine 10mg tablets
5 Hydrocortisone 100mg ampoules
1 Epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen autoinjector) 0.3mg of 1 in 1000 (1mg/ml) adrenaline (giving 300mcg) 2ml auto-injector

Drugs Various
3 Giving sets
4 IV cannulae 16g
4 IV cannulae 18g
4 Butterfly infusion sets 19g
2 Magnetic hooks
4 x 3-way IV taps
Intraosseous (IO) infusion system
4 Atropine 1ml ampoules (600µg/ml)
2 Glucose 500mg/ml 50ml
10 Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual tablets
6 litres Sodium Chloride Infusion 0.9%
2 Chlorpromazine 50mg ampoules
5 Diazepam 10mg ampoules
10 Diazepam 5mg tablets
10 Diazepam 5mg suppositories
Resuscitator including reservoir and connection for BIBS gas
3 Resuscitation masks with silicone face seals (varied sizes)
1 Pocket resuscitator with one-way valve or face shield
3 Supraglottic airways sized for adult males or females with catheter mounts and filters
Endotracheal tubes (ET tubes) with catheter mounts and filters
Laryngoscope and batteries and spare bulbs.
1 Automated external defibrillator
2 Guedal airways Sizes 3 and 4
1 Foot operated suction device
1 Tourniquet to aid venous access
2 Endotracheal suction catheters
2 Wide bore suckers
2 Nasopharyngeal airways Size 6
Treatment of Burns
1 Silver sulphadiazine cream 1%


21 Co-amoxiclav, 625mg tablets
30 Erythromycin 250 mg tablets
1 Sofradex (framycetin sulphate/dexamethasone/gramicidin) ear drops
1 Clotrimazole cream